Accessible Page: Db Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added (Db7(b13)) chords on guitar

Chord Diagrams in Text Format For Blind and Visually Impaired People

This is an accessible, text-based page for the Db 7(b13) guitar chord, suitable for screen-reader software.

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Db 7(b13) Description

The Db Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Flat Thirteen

The Db7(b13) chord is spelled in the following ways:

  • Db Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added
  • Db Dom7b13
  • Db 7b13
  • Db 7-13
  • Db7(b13)

The Db Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added chord is made up of the notes Db, F, Ab, Cb, and Bbb

Chord Positions

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