F#7(b13) chord - F# Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added - guitar chord chart

Welcome to our tutorial on the F# 7(b13) chord. This chord is a fascinating member of the Dominant Chords family, known for its distinctive sound and wide application in various music genres. The notes that make up the F# 7(b13) chord are F#, A#, C#, E, and D, and the intervals that construct this chord are 1, 3, 5, b7, and b13.
Understanding the intervals on the fretboard is key to mastering this chord. The complete names of the music intervals in this chord are: 1 (Root), 3 (Major Third), 5 (Perfect Fifth), b7 (Minor Seventh), and b13 (Minor Sixth). This chord, like all dominant chords, features a major third and a minor seventh, which gives it its characteristic tension and resolution.
If you're new to dominant (7) guitar chords, you might find it helpful to review our full tutorial on this chord type. And if you're interested in learning how to build chords by stacking intervals, check out our guitar music theory tutorial.
Throughout this tutorial, we'll provide chord diagrams and fretboard patterns to help you visualize and practice the tones that compose the F# 7(b13) chord. By the end of this lesson, you'll have a solid understanding of this chord and be able to incorporate it into your playing with ease.
And remember, if you ever come across a chord shape on the fretboard that you're unsure how to name, our interactive chord analyzer tool can help you identify it. Happy playing!
Notes of the F# 7(b13) chord:
How the Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added chord is built:
F#7(b13) Guitar Chord Shapes
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 7(b13) | D 7(b13) | E 7(b13) | F 7(b13) | G 7(b13) | A 7(b13) | B 7(b13) | C#7(b13) | D#7(b13) | F#7(b13) | G#7(b13) | A#7(b13) | Ab7(b13) | Bb7(b13) | Db7(b13) | Eb7(b13) | Gb7(b13)
Fretboard map of F# 7(b13) chord tones
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!