C6(#11) Guitar Chord - Guitar Chords Chart

Welcome to our tutorial on the C 6(#11) chord. This chord is part of the Major Chords family and is composed of the notes C, E, G, A, and F#. The intervals that build this chord are 1, 3, 5, 6, and #11, which correspond to the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Augmented Fourth, respectively.
The C 6(#11) chord is a unique and interesting chord, often used in jazz and more complex music genres. It's not as straightforward as some other chords, but with practice, you'll be able to master it. If you're new to the concept of intervals and how they build chords, you might want to check out this tutorial on building chords by stacking intervals.
Understanding the fretboard intervals can greatly help in mastering this chord. You can learn more about this concept in our fretboard intervals tutorial. Also, understanding how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose them can be very helpful. You can learn more about this in our chord notation tutorial.
As a member of the sixth chords family, the C 6(#11) chord shares some characteristics with other sixth chords. If you're interested in exploring more about this family of chords, feel free to visit our sixth guitar chords tutorial.
Finally, if you're interested in applying this chord in a musical context, you might find our jazz chord progressions tutorial useful, as the C 6(#11) chord is often used in jazz music.
Notes in the C 6(#11) chord:
Chord Structure:
Fingerings for the C6(#11) guitar chord
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 6(#11) | D 6(#11) | E 6(#11) | F 6(#11) | G 6(#11) | A 6(#11) | B 6(#11) | C#6(#11) | D#6(#11) | F#6(#11) | G#6(#11) | A#6(#11) | Ab6(#11) | Bb6(#11) | Db6(#11) | Eb6(#11) | Gb6(#11)
Fretboard map of C 6(#11) chord tones
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.