C Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added Guitar Chord Charts & Variations

Welcome to our in-depth tutorial on the intriguing C +(#11) chord. This chord belongs to the family of Augmented Chords, and is composed of the notes C, E, G#, and F#. The intervals that make up this chord are 1, 3, #5, and #11, which are known as the Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, and Augmented Fourth, respectively.
Understanding the intervals that make up a chord is vital for any guitar player. If you're not familiar with these terms, we recommend you to check out our tutorial about fretboard intervals, which will give you a comprehensive understanding of this crucial aspect of music theory.
The C +(#11) chord is not a beginner's chord, but it's definitely worth learning if you want to expand your chord vocabulary and create more complex and sophisticated soundscapes. If you're interested in learning more about advanced chords, our tutorial about intermediate guitar chords is a great place to start.
Building chords by stacking intervals is a fundamental part of music theory, and our tutorial that teaches how to build chords by stacking intervals will help you understand how the C +(#11) chord is formed. Additionally, our tutorial on how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose it will help you understand the notation for this chord and others.
So, whether you're a seasoned guitarist looking to expand your chord vocabulary, or a keen beginner ready to take on a challenge, this tutorial on the C +(#11) chord will provide you with everything you need to know to play this chord with confidence and precision. Let's get started!
Notes that compose the C +(#11) chord:
Chord formula for the Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added chord:
C+(#11) Guitar Chord Voicings
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C +(#11) | D +(#11) | E +(#11) | F +(#11) | G +(#11) | A +(#11) | B +(#11) | C#+(#11) | D#+(#11) | F#+(#11) | G#+(#11) | A#+(#11) | Ab+(#11) | Bb+(#11) | Db+(#11) | Eb+(#11) | Gb+(#11)
Create your C +(#11) chord shapes
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.