F# Suspended Second Guitar Chord Charts & Variations

Welcome to our tutorial on the F# sus2 chord. This chord belongs to the family of suspended chords, which are distinctive for their lack of a third interval. Instead, the F# sus2 chord is built using a specific set of musical intervals: the root (1), the major second (2), and the perfect fifth (5). This results in a unique combination of notes: F#, G#, and C#.
Understanding the concept of intervals is crucial to mastering the F# sus2 chord. If you're new to this, you may want to check out our tutorial on fretboard intervals which provides a comprehensive guide to this fundamental aspect of guitar theory. Additionally, our tutorial on how to denote chords based on the intervals that compose them can be a valuable resource.
The F# sus2 chord is a fascinating chord to learn and play, offering a distinctive sound that can add depth and interest to your music. If you're interested in exploring more about these types of chords, our tutorial about suspended chords is a great place to start.
Remember, mastering the F# sus2 chord, like any other, requires understanding its structure and practicing its formation on the fretboard. Our detailed chord diagrams and fretboard patterns will guide you through the process, showing you exactly how to position your fingers to play this chord perfectly.
Ready to dive in? Let's explore the world of the F# sus2 chord together!
Notes in the F# sus2 chord:
Chord Structure:
Guitar Patterns for the F# Suspended Second chord
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C sus2 | D sus2 | E sus2 | F sus2 | G sus2 | A sus2 | B sus2 | C#sus2 | D#sus2 | F#sus2 | G#sus2 | A#sus2 | Absus2 | Bbsus2 | Dbsus2 | Ebsus2 | Gbsus2
Create your F# sus2 chord shapes
This fretboard map shows you the tones in the chord all along the neck. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones.