How to Play the D sus2 Chord on Guitar

Welcome to our tutorial on the D sus2 chord, a member of the suspended chords family. Suspended chords, like this one, are unique because they do not include the third interval. Instead, they are built using a root, a second, and a fifth. In the case of the D sus2 chord, these are the notes D, E, and A respectively.
The intervals that construct this chord are the 1 (Root), 2 (Major Second), and 5 (Perfect Fifth). These intervals give the D sus2 chord its distinct sound. If you're new to the concept of intervals and how they construct chords, we recommend checking out our tutorial on how to build chords by stacking intervals.
For those who are interested in learning more about the suspended chords family, we have a dedicated tutorial about suspended (sus) guitar chords that you might find useful.
In this tutorial, we will provide you with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that show the tones composing the D sus2 chord. This will help you understand not only how to play this chord, but also why it sounds the way it does.
Remember, understanding the theory behind chords can greatly improve your playing and make learning new chords easier. So, don't hesitate to explore our other resources, like the tutorial about fretboard intervals or the tutorial on how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose it.
Now, let's dive into the D sus2 chord and start making some beautiful music!
Notes of the D sus2 chord:
How to create the Suspended Second chord:
Guitar Patterns for the Dsus2 chord
Chord boxes are sorted from the easiest to the hardest. Learn how to read chord diagrams.
If you have difficulties with bar chord shapes, check the Bar Chords Tips tutorial.
You can also use this accessible chords page with written diagrams instruction.
Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Position 4

You can find more shapes in our all guitar chords online library. If you prefer a printable pdf, download
the Free Guitar Chords Chart Pdf
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C sus2 | D sus2 | E sus2 | F sus2 | G sus2 | A sus2 | B sus2 | C#sus2 | D#sus2 | F#sus2 | G#sus2 | A#sus2 | Absus2 | Bbsus2 | Dbsus2 | Ebsus2 | Gbsus2
How to create your own D sus2 chord fingerings
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.