Ab Guitar Chords

The Ultimate Guitar Chords Dictionary

Ab chords are prized for their smooth, mellow sound, often featured in jazz and classical music. By mastering Ab chords, you can introduce a touch of sophistication to your playing and broaden your musical repertoire.

You can also see chords from other roots at these links below:

Ab Diminished Chords

Ab dim
guitar chord diagram for the Ab dim chord

Ab dim7
guitar chord diagram for the Ab dim7 chord

Ab m7b5
guitar chord diagram for the Ab m7b5 chord

Ab Suspended/Power Chords

Ab 5
guitar chord diagram for the Ab 5 chord

Ab sus2
guitar chord diagram for the Ab sus2 chord

Ab sus4
guitar chord diagram for the Ab sus4 chord

Ab 7sus4
guitar chord diagram for the Ab 7sus4 chord

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