How to Play a Dbsus2 Chord on Guitar – Easy Db Suspended Second Guitar Chord

Welcome to our tutorial on the Db sus2 chord. This chord belongs to the family of suspended chords, which are unique in that they do not contain a third. Instead, the Db sus2 chord is composed of the notes Db, Eb, and Ab. The intervals that construct this chord are the root (1), the major second (2), and the perfect fifth (5).
It's important to understand the concept of musical intervals, as they are the building blocks of chords. If you need a refresher, feel free to check out our tutorial about fretboard intervals. Understanding these intervals will help you grasp how the Db sus2 chord is constructed and how it fits into the broader context of guitar music theory.
Learning to play the Db sus2 chord can add a new layer of complexity and richness to your guitar playing. In this tutorial, we will provide chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that show the tones composing the chord. To get the most out of this lesson, you might want to review our tutorial that teaches how to build chords by stacking intervals.
As a member of the suspended chords family, the Db sus2 chord can bring a unique, unresolved sound to your music, making it a great addition to your chord vocabulary. So let's dive in and start exploring the Db sus2 chord!
Notes that compose the Db sus2 chord:
How to create the Suspended Second chord:
Db Suspended Second Guitar Chord Shapes
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C sus2 | D sus2 | E sus2 | F sus2 | G sus2 | A sus2 | B sus2 | C#sus2 | D#sus2 | F#sus2 | G#sus2 | A#sus2 | Absus2 | Bbsus2 | Dbsus2 | Ebsus2 | Gbsus2
Fretboard map of Db sus2 chord tones
This fretboard map shows you the tones in the chord all along the neck. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones.