Guitar chord F6/9 - diagrams and theory

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on the F 6/9 chord. This chord is a part of the Major Chords family and is composed of the notes F, A, C, D, and G. The intervals that build this chord are 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9, also known as the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Major Ninth respectively.
The F 6/9 chord is a versatile and rich sounding chord that can add depth and complexity to your guitar playing. It can be a bit tricky to master, but with practice and understanding of the chord notation, you'll be able to incorporate it into your repertoire.
Understanding the fretboard intervals is crucial in learning how to play the F 6/9 chord, as it involves stacking intervals in a specific pattern. Our music theory tutorial can provide further insight into how chords are built by stacking intervals.
This tutorial will provide you with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns showing the tones composing the F 6/9 chord. Whether you're a beginner looking to expand your knowledge or an intermediate player wanting to delve into more advanced chords, this tutorial is designed to help you master the F 6/9 chord.
For those who are interested in exploring more about sixth and ninth chords, we have dedicated tutorials on sixth guitar chords and ninth guitar chords. These tutorials delve into the specifics of these chord types and offer additional practice material.
Get ready to dive into the world of F 6/9 chord, enhancing your musical capabilities and broadening your understanding of guitar chords. Happy learning!
Notes that compose the F 6/9 chord:
Chord Structure:
Guitar Patterns for the F Major Sixth Nine Added chord
Chord boxes are sorted from the easiest to the hardest. Learn how to read chord diagrams.
If you have difficulties with bar chord shapes, check the Bar Chords Tips tutorial.
You can also use this accessible chords page with written diagrams instruction.
Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Position 4

Position 5

Position 6

You can find more shapes in our all guitar chords online library. If you prefer a printable pdf, download
the Free Guitar Chords Chart Pdf
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 6/9 | D 6/9 | E 6/9 | F 6/9 | G 6/9 | A 6/9 | B 6/9 | C#6/9 | D#6/9 | F#6/9 | G#6/9 | A#6/9 | Ab6/9 | Bb6/9 | Db6/9 | Eb6/9 | Gb6/9
Complete Fretboard Map of F 6/9 chord tones
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!